Can you be healthy without good nutrition? The answer is NO.
Nutritious food feeds and provides the proper building blocks for cells. Healthy cells make healthy blood, healthy organs, and a strong body.
So, of course, what you eat has a HUGE impact on:
- Your energy level
- What you weigh
- How often you get sick and how you recover
- How long you live
- Preventing chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, etc.
- Quality of life
It is confusing because there is so much information out there. So many philosophies, diets, and rules… paleo, vegan, low carb, keto, pescatarian, macros, intermittent fasting, just to name a few. We get tired of trying to figure this out… trying and failing yet again to get nutrition and healthy eating right.
In my practice, I first start with testing your metabolism. I take a look at body fat, basal metabolic rate, and lean body mass. I can then put together a customized eating program based on your activity level and your health goals.
Not only do I teach you how much you need to be eating, I teach you what foods to increase in your diet and what foods to limit. Understanding how food effects inflammation is crucial to changing how the body works from the inside out.
Nutrient density is the key to building a strong and healthy body. We will show you how to incorporate this into your busy life, without a lot of difficulty.
Can you be perfect all the time? NO. That is why we teach you how to include flexibility in your plan and live a little, while staying within a framework of healthy eating, most of the time.
We provide customized meal plans, easy meal planning tips, a healthy cooking class, recipes, and so much more to equip you to reach your health destination. Education is key.